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Evangelism Resources

Prayer for Salvation of Others




​Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I come to You in gladness and with thanksgiving. I know that You are God! It is written in Your Word that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. I know Lord that You wish all people to be saved and to know Your divine truth. Therefore, Father, I bring _____before You this day. I feel You have called me as Your agent of intercession for ______. I thank You Lord for allowing me to stand in the gap and pray for the salvation of _____, that he/she might be spared from eternal destruction. (Ezekiel 22:30) Father, thank You for salvation. I acknowledge Lord Jesus , that You are the one that takes away _____’s sins, and that it is the Holy Spirit Who convicts and convinces him/her of sin, righteousness and judgment. I pray Lord, that Your mercy and Your kindness will lead______ to repentance 54 and that ______ mind and inner man will accept Your will for his/her life (1 Thessalonians 5:9). You are the One Who will deliver _____ and draw him/her to Yourself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and transfers him/her into the Kingdom of You, Heavenly Father (Psalm 98:2). Father, I pray that ______will hear the truth from someone standing in the gap and in Your presence. The truth has been hidden from _______. Satan, the deceiver of this world, made him/her blind, and he/she was unable to see the glorious light of You in Your Word. (2 Corinthians 6:2). I ask You, Lord of the harvest, to send the perfect laborer into ______’s path to share Your gospel in a special way so that he/she will listen and understand it. I am believing by faith that that the person that you send to him/her, will help them come to their senses—come out of the snare of the devil who has held _______ captive —and make Jesus the Lord of his/her life. (Romans 10:1, Romans10:10). Having prayed all that I know to pray, I submit to the Spirit, Who also helps me present my supplication. I do not always know how to pray worthily, but Your Spirit within me is actually praying for me in those agonizing longings which cannot find words. Having done all that I know to do to stand, I stand on Your Word, and Father, I shall praise You and thank You for _____’s salvation. I commit this matter into Your hands, and with my faith I see ____ saved and filled with Your Spirit, with a full and clear knowledge of Your Word. Amen

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